Press Releases

November 8, 2009

News for Ai-Kon 2010:

Ai-Kon 2010 announces mascot contest

Attention artists!
We want YOU to design Aiko for Ai-Kon 2010!

We're looking for a new design for Aiko, the Ai-Kon mascot, for use on the convention's promotional materials and merchandise.

This year we are introducing a theme. The theme for Aiko 2010 will be Magical Girl. The theme was selected based upon suggestions on the forums and by the Ai-Kon committee. If you require further information on the selection, or on what a "magical girl" is please contact [email protected]

A cheerful, stylish, energetic anime girl with pink hair and blue eyes, Aiko appears on a variety of Ai-Kon promotional items, including t-shirts, posters, flyers, badges, programs, and the Ai-Kon web site (

Contest rules:
Entries must be full-body images, with no background.

Images featuring poses, outfits and/or hair styles of copyrighted characters, or copyrighted characters themselves, will not be accepted.

No adult-themed images will be accepted. This will be at the discretion of Ai-Kon executives. Please ensure entries are suitable for all ages.

A maximum limit of three entries per person will be accepted.
Please note; all entries should be individual and not adjustments to an earlier entry.

Entries must be full-colour, 300 dpi resolution and submitted electronically in JPEG or PSD format. A smaller version of your entry may by submitted for judging as long as a higher resolution version is available.

You may also post artwork to your own web site, DeviantART account, or other hosting service and e-mail us the URL. When submitting entries, please use the following naming format for your file:
firstname_lastname_01.jpg (or PDF).
If you are submitting more than one entry, please number them appropriately (i.e: firstname_lastname_02.jpg, firstname_lastname_03.jpg, etc.).

E-mail entries to [email protected]. The following information must be included with your entry:

  • In subject, please list your real name, and Ai-Kon Mascot
  • Your real first and last name
  • Your artist nickname (if you use one)
  • Your e-mail address (the one you use)
  • Your telephone number

Participants will receive a confirmation e-mail within a week of submission. Entries must be received no later than Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 11:59pm and will be judged by Ai-Kon executives. The winning entry will be announced on or before Sunday, February 7, 2010.

All entries and rights to the images become property of Ai-Kon.

Winner: a free art table, a weekend pass to Ai-Kon 2010, and an Ai-Kon 2010 t-shirt.
The winning entry will be used for Ai-Kon 2010 promotional materials and merchandise.
There are two runner-ups.
Runner-up: A free half art table at and a week-end pass to Ai-Kon 2010.

Ai-Kon 2010 is scheduled for July 16-18, 2010 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre.

Good luck to all entries!