About Me
I help organize and participate as staff in various anime, comic book and cultural oriented festivals.
*Volunteer at Japanese Pavilion in Expo Québec in 2006
*Co-founder of: Convention Culturelle Japonaise (Nadeshicon 2010)
*Guests and cultural director from 2011-2013 at Nadeshicon
*Co-founder of Cape & Kimono (2010)
*Volunteer manager at C&K 2011
*Guest Liaison at Otakuthon 2011-2013
*Guest Liaison at Montreal Comiccon 2012
*Consultant for various upcoming events in 2013
Been doing the above since 2006.
Quebec (Qc)
OccupationCultural and guest programming manager for Nadeshicon 2013
Hobbies & InterestsJapanese culture in general, fantasy in general, science-fiction, poetry, climbing mountains
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