
September 30, 2005

News for Onna! 2005:

Onna! has posted its schedule of events

From DJ Ranma S

COUNTDOWN -- Nine, Eight, Seven... Days to Onna!

Onna! happens in JUST A FEW DAYS! We're making our final tweaks, repolishing, refixing and rearranging as we prepare to put on the best convention for women's animation and comics (not that we're biased, however). With just a little more than a week until the convention, we've got more announcements (yay!) that you can't miss!

ONNA! CON SCHEDULE NOW POSTED -- You want to know what's going on? All right, already -- we'll tell you! Get our most updated convention schedule so you can plan your days while in our company. *Note: The schedule is tentative, and events are subject to change even on the days scheduled. For more information, please pick up a guide while at the con, or check for any messages or postings about any revisions.

For the con schedule, click here: