About Me
Christian Lalinde, better known as Sephi Hakubi, is a Progressive EDM and Hard Dance DJ and multi-media producer with a big focus in anime and rave. Sephi is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of HakubiVerse, a Hard Dance and Trance music and otaku entertainment label based in San Antonio, Texas, focusing on rave culture with Japanese-fandom influences and pioneering a style he calls AnimEDM. Beyond HakubiVerse, Sephi has been associated with many dance music collectives all over the world such as Neon Genesis Hardcore/Mid Atlantic Hardcore (Baltimore, Maryland, USA), Anivents Unlimited (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), JDS: Just Don't Stop Productions (San Antonio, Texas, USA), and Dream Drop Productions (formerly known as Hard Dance Texas) (San Antonio, Texas, USA), which at HD:TX he has served as Director of Operations and Chairman.
LocationSan Antonio, TX
OccupationRecord Producer
Hobbies & InterestsEDM, Hard Dance, cosplay, anime
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