Derec Donovan Information

Derec Donovan

Comic Creator

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Derec Donovan is a published comic book penciler, inker, colorist, and writer. His career started in 1994 working on L.E.G.I.O.N. for DC Comics, and during the past 19 years Derec has worked for every major publisher in comics. He has worked on virtually every recognizable character in comics. Derec's imagination has brought to life Batman, Venom, Green Lantern, Avengers, X-Men, JLA, JSA, Superman, and a host of other characters too numerous to name.

Over the years he has collaborated with some of the industries hottest writing talent: Ron Marz, Larry Hama, Tom Peyer, Joe Casey, Peter David, and even The Walking Dead's own Robert Kirkman have provided the words for Derec's dynamic artwork. His work on Adventures of Superman with Joe Casey is considered among the best storylines for Superman by many critics.

Derec's creative drive has brought him into the world of self-publishing. He wrote, penciled, inked, colored, and edited his creator own title Bionic Bombshell: One and Done Shot in 2013. It was received well by critics who lauded his sense of humor, his storytelling, and the wonderfully illustrated characters.

Recently, Derec has drawn Cyborg for DC Comics Rebirth line and created his own project Derec Donovan's Trigger Mortis, which he both wrote and drew.

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