Sean Corse
Video Game Player
Famicon Dojo
Madison, WI, USA

Sean's exposure to the intense radiation of a cathode-ray tube as a toddler lead to his powers as a video gamer. Interfacing with the mystical tube through joysticks, keyboards, and later game pads, Sean soon discovered that his newfound powers could shape the reality of entire universes, living lives as heroes (sometimes multiple times) in order to save the day of an underprivileged dial tap populace. But how could the knowledge of these alternate, bombastic events affect our own universe and timeline?
In 2006, Sean joined forces with Kevin Tambornino, retro-gaming import enthusiast (and fairly convincing falsetto) to launch the Famicom Dojo web series. Their mission? To train your game about the history of the video game industry, and how to navigate the skull-splitting reality that gamers face - with humor and bad pun.
Sean also produced and hosted the POWETcast bi-weekly podcast, and wrote scores of news articles for Powet.TV from 2004-2012, contributed entries to the KEEP PLAYING video game review series, and helped to produce several of the channel's seminal successes, such as Totaka's Song.
Since his time at Powet.TV, Sean has been working more closely with, and continues to produce videos and the weekly podcast for Famicom Dojo, trying every day to use his powers for good, and not total pwnage.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- Nerd & Tie Expo 2016 - September 23-25, 2016 in Eau Claire, WI, USA