Michael Liscio Jr. Information

Michael Liscio Jr.

Michael Liscio Jr.

Actor / Singer / Writer
Brooklyn, NY, USA

Home Page Twitter Instagram IMDb Amazon.com

Michael is thrilled to be at this years Otakon! He wears many hats as a voice over artist, actor of stage and screen, singer/songwriter, and writer. He is most well known for his current roles on Pokemon (Clemont and Inkay) and YuGiOh: Arc V (Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri) and can also be seen 8 times a week in Avenue Q! For more information on Michael's current projects check out his website at www.MichaelLiscio-Jr.com!

Anime Convention Guest Appearances

View Michael Liscio Jr. on FanCons.com for 5 additional guest appearances

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