Hunter "Dookieshed" Hughes

YouTube Personality

In his short time on YouTube, Hunter Hughes, aka Dookieshed, has managed to threaten over a quarter million viewers to subscribe to his channel about Pokémon, Mega Man, and video games in general. He presents his top 10 lists, game reviews, and game news in a way that's hilarious, informative, and a little crazy. He has also been knows to accidentally film his videos in his underwear. Dookieshed is the more obnoxious half of the co-op gameplay channel Nate and Dookie, along with the talented NateWantsToBattle.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- Holiday Matsuri 2016 - December 16-18, 2016 in Orlando, FL, USA
- ShadoCon 2016 - November 18-20, 2016 in St. Petersburg, FL, USA
- SwampCon 2016 - February 13-14, 2016 in Gainesville, FL, USA
- Holiday Matsuri 2015 - December 18-20, 2015 in Orlando, FL, USA
- ShadoCon 2015 - November 6-8, 2015 in Palm Harbor, FL, USA
- Omni Expo 2015 - May 22-24, 2015 in Orlando, FL, USA