

Elffi is a male cosplayer from Finland. He got interested in Japanese language, anime and manga in 2004 and made his first cosplay at summer 2006. He was representing Finland in World Cosplay Summit (WCS) in Nagoya, Japan, in 2011 and has also won numerous other awards and nominations worldwide. Elffi has been a visiting judge, panelist and guest in over 11 countries on 3 continents.
In real life he is studying Japanology and Asian Business and works occasionally as a taxi driver. Coffee, beer and gym are close to his heart. He tends to say that without cosplay as a hobby he would not be in shape at all. Known as a very outgoing person he loves to travel, see new places and meet cosplayers all over the world!
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- YuniCon 2021 - October 29-31, 2021 in Schwechat, Austria 2017
- Őszi MondoCon 2017 - October 7-8, 2017 in Budapest, Hungary
- AniMatsuri 2017 - September 22-24, 2017 in Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia
- Armageddon Wellington 2017 - June 3-5, 2017 in Wellington, New Zealand
- Armageddon Tauranga 2017 - May 27-28, 2017 in Tauranga, New Zealand 2015
- Connichi 2015 - September 18-20, 2015 in Kassel, Germany
- Otakuthon 2015 - August 7-9, 2015 in Montréal, QC 2014
- Kamen 2014 - August 30-31, 2014 in San Jose, Costa Rica
- Akumakon 2014 - January 17-19, 2014 in Galway, Ireland
View Elffi on FanCons.com for 2 additional guest appearances