Manda "Whitless" Whitney

Actor / Writer
Toronto, ON

Manda "Whitless" Whitney is a Toronto based actor/writer and is the nervous introverted half of the comedy duo weTangent. Armed only with a camera and a love for all things geek, she has plastered the internet with vlogs, sketches, reviews and most recently a six-part musical webseries about NaNoWriMo ( along with her overly enthusiastic creative partner, Errol. When not plotting weTangent's next project, Manda writes reviews for Adventure Gamers and works with Monkeyman Productions, a geek theatre company. Upon writing this, she's realizing she's very busy but has no intention of slowing down.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- ConBravo! 2014 - July 18-20, 2014 in Hamilton, ON
- Con-G 2014 - February 21-23, 2014 in Guelph, ON
- Con-G 2013 - February 22-24, 2013 in Guelph, ON