Julia Litchy

Blairstown, NJ, USA

Julia Litchy spent the first eighteen years of her life in an isolated farming community of just over 600 people. While that might have led some to sit and stare at the cows all day, she started drawing as soon as she could wield a crayon. By the time first grade rolled around, barely a sheet of paper would pass by without being covered with fantasy and fairytale drawings. Years later, she still finds herself firmly rooted in dark,"realistic" fantasy; with sci-fi, steampunk, sequential comic, and manga-styled work also making appearances. Most of her work is a combination of traditional and digital methods, with a heavy emphasis on digital painting. She has attended artist alleys at conventions since 2002 - from Chicago to Boston to Atlanta - and her art has won numerous awards online and through various art shows.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- Ikkicon 2012 - December 28-30, 2012 in Austin, TX, USA