Capcom Live!

Concert Tour
Boston, MA, USA

CAPCOM LIVE!, the official Capcom concert tour, is being produced by two veterans of the concert scene: Shota Nakama (Video Game Orchestra) and Tommy Tallarico (Video Games Live!). Rather than a traditional symphony-orchestra style concert, these concerts will feature a high energy rock band with vocalists fused with orchestra.
One of the most exciting features of the "CAPCOM LIVE!" concert series is the broad array of classic Capcom titles represented in the concert lineup. "This show will feature pretty much everything from the Capcom franchises," said producer Shota Nakama. "We are very honored and thrilled at the same time to be chosen to produce the first ever Capcom greatest hits live concert. Capcom has always been known to create great hybrid soundtracks, and it will be a fun challenge to re-create those live!"
The show team, from producers to musicians to visuals, worked together to create a concert that doesn't only satisfy fans of the games; the concert experience will be enjoyable to any concert-goer. According to Nakama, "We want more people to start listening to video game music, and our mission is to-while satisfying game fans-attract non-gamers who could be just music fans, concert-goers and so on to come find out how awesome video game music is." The core rock band lineup includes musicians whose work includes not just game music, but also mainstream rock bands and other musical genres for a variety of audiences. These musicians are also avid gamers themselves, passionate about game music and especially the Capcom franchise music featured in the show.
"This is an incredible opportunity for Capcom fans around the world to celebrate some of the most endearing game franchises of all time!" says co-producer Tommy Tallarico. "And to have Capcom be such an important partner is such a fantastic element, huge honor and big boost for the show! We look forward to bringing this incredible music to the world!"
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- Youmacon 2018 - November 1-4, 2018 in Detroit, MI, USA
- Otakuthon 2018 - August 3-5, 2018 in Montréal, QC
- Otafest 2018 - May 18-20, 2018 in Calgary, AB
- AnimeNEXT 2017 - June 9-11, 2017 in Atlantic City, NJ, USA