Gen Con 2020 Information

Gen Con 2020

Gen Con 2020
July 30 - August 2, 2020 Cancelled
Indianapolis Convention Center
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Gaming Convention

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the cancellation of Gen Con 2020 this August in Indianapolis. The safety and health of our attendees, exhibitors, and staff are of the utmost importance to us, and we cannot in good conscience host a gathering of thousands while doing so could threaten the health of so many.

Like you, we eagerly anticipate Gen Con every summer as a time of fun, connection, and celebration of our shared love of tabletop gaming and geek culture. We hope that the world will look different by August, but after closely following the development of the COVID-19 outbreak, having discussions with our partners in Indianapolis, and in keeping with guidance from the CDC, we can't see a clear picture of how soon it will be safe for all of us to gather again. The only responsible choice is to cancel the convention this year.

We're proud of being the largest and longest-running tabletop gaming convention in North America, but we are a small business run by a core team of 14 passionate individuals. To be candid, not having a convention is very tough for us, both emotionally and financially. The show in Indianapolis is our primary focus and source of revenue, and it's your enthusiasm for gathering around tabletop gaming, as well as the passion and ingenuity of our sponsors, exhibitors, event team, and event organizers, that inspires us to make the show bigger and better every year.

Gen Con 2020 Guests

Previous/Future Events

Gen Con 2025  —  July 31 - August 3, 2025
Gen Con 2024  —  August 1-4, 2024
Gen Con 2023  —  August 3-6, 2023
Gen Con 2022  —  August 4-7, 2022
Gen Con 2021  —  September 16-19, 2021
Gen Con 2021  —  August 5-8, 2021
Gen Con 2020  —  July 30 - August 2, 2020
Gen Con 2019  —  August 1-4, 2019
Gen Con 2018  —  August 2-5, 2018
Gen Con 2017  —  August 17-20, 2017
Gen Con 2016  —  August 4-7, 2016
Gen Con 2015  —  July 30 - August 2, 2015
Gen Con 2014  —  August 14-17, 2014
Gen Con Indy 2013  —  August 15-18, 2013
Gen Con Indy 2012  —  August 16-19, 2012
Gen Con Indy 2011  —  August 4-7, 2011
Gen Con Indy 2010  —  August 5-8, 2010
Gen Con Indy 2009  —  August 13-16, 2009
Gen Con Indy 2008  —  August 14-17, 2008
Gen Con Indy 2007  —  August 16-19, 2007
Gen Con So Cal 2006  —  November 16-19, 2006
Gen Con Indy 2006  —  August 10-13, 2006
Gen Con So Cal 2005  —  November 18-20, 2005
Gen Con Indy 2005  —  August 18-21, 2005
Gen Con So Cal 2004  —  December 2-5, 2004
Gen Con Indy 2004  —  August 19-22, 2004
Gen Con So Cal 2003  —  December 11-14, 2003
Gen Con Indy 2003  —  July 24-27, 2003
Gen Con 1969  —  August 23-24, 1969
Lake Geneva Wargames Convention 1968  —  August 24, 1968

Update Gen Con 2020 Information