ConnectiCon 2008 Photo Gallery

ConnectiCon 2008: Cosplay

These photos were taken by staff at ConnectiCon 2008. All images are clickable for larger versions.

The Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros.

DSC00686.jpg - Cosplay


DSC00687.jpg - Cosplay


DSC00689.jpg - Cosplay


Doctor Who characters

Doctor Who characters

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

DSC00694.jpg - Cosplay


Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1

Renamon and Tentamon

Renamon and Tentamon



R2-D2 with a mini Jedi

R2-D2 with a mini Jedi

Use the force

Use the force

DSC00705.jpg - Cosplay


DSC00706.jpg - Cosplay


Album cover pose!

Album cover pose!

Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist

Another pose

Another pose



IMG_0210.jpg - Cosplay


Haseo from .hack//Roots

Haseo from .hack//Roots

For more information about this event, please visit our ConnectiCon 2008 page in our Conventions section.

Linking to our photos from off-site is prohibited

We respectfully ask that you do not link directly to our images from other web sites. Doing so increases our hosting costs for running this site. However, we won't mind if you download any photos of yourself to post on social media provided that you credit
Thank you. Staff